Guivisa is a private company dedicated to the steel casting, founded in Basauri in 1949 by some Biscay’s businessmen with the only purpose of creating wealth in its broadest sense. Wealth for their promoters, creators and owners, wealth in all the people that are part of the company, wealth in the society where it is located and in all entities, customers, suppliers who relates during its working life.
To reach the wealth generation in all around, it should get to be profitable and competitive and for that it shall provide all human and material resources as necessary.
The competitiveness management and profitability of the company must take into account and respect the dignity and freedom of the people who are part of them. It must respect and promote compliance with applicable laws. Must respect and contribute to the environmental sustainability of our environment.
Also, it require ethical behavior, moral and compliance of existing laws to all employees in all commercial, mercantile and employment relationships, in order not to accept corrupt and illegal behavior or actions that may impair or alter the good practices in the company.