
Our philosophy at GUIVISA stresses the importance of Health and Safety and our strategy is to promote a positive health and safety culture in the workplace to ensure the wellbeing of our employees; a culture which does not tolerate unsafe behaviour.

For GUIVISA, Client satisfaction is crucial and to this end we have directed much effort to the continual development of quality control measures to provide the assurances that guarantee the total quality of our company.

We consider it of the utmost importance that all work carried out on GUIVISA premises is executed to the highest standard possible and under the strictest of Health and Safety conditions to the eventual benefit for all of us who work there every day.

To this end the GUIVISA management is committed to promoting and leading a drive for continuous improvement in our health and safety at work policy and to do all that is necessary to make this happen.

The management is convinced that this is a task for everyone. It will not compromise in its efforts to achieve this and at the same time requires from everyone a sense of responsibility and positive commitment.
